Welcome to me

I find myself once again writing a blog, this time as part of  the SSSC 23 Things programme for digital learning. I have decided to be totally unmasked and avoid the fluffy warmness of the comfort zone with the hope that it will at least be freeing. 

I am a student at Fife College and I work part time. Seems like a perfect combination but my reality is complicated by a misdiagnosed chronic pain syndrome and late diagnosed autism. I am playing tug of war with my own identity (or lack thereof) while constantly underwhelmed with my life and regularly overwhelmed by society. I was a dancer and a Scout but both have been largely absent from my life for a number of years. I am happiest when I am being creative. I enjoy research but I am still paying for a Master's I was unable to complete because of ableism, bureaucracy and Covid-19. I am overqualified and underpaid for my job and I am living below the poverty line. What's new? 

Yet I love my job, my husband, my dog and my family. I have a warm house (at the moment) and have not had to resort to the food bank for a long time. See me practicing gratitude? My therapist would be proud... If the NHS could actually provide me with onez that is. 

In writing this blog for the Thing, I learnt I still have a flair for writing and blogging is so easy. Maybe I will even keep it going after my 23 things are done!  

Peace and love from the undefineable me - Emily x


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