College or no college?

I had to register for an SVQ as part of my current employment contract, so I get on that and register with a college, I painfully secure a fee waiver, and I enroll on my course, only to be told a few weeks later nobody realised I was enrolled and I haven't been assigned a tutor. I wouldn't mind but I had completed two modules which turned out to be optional and would not go towards any final grade. I followed it up once I realised this, I received a couple of emails apologising and have not heard a peep since. I have now missed a whole semester. The thing is, if i turned up face to face and demanded attention I might have got somewhere, only I have Fibromyalgia and I am Autistic and I only have so many spoons. I'm an adult, I hear you say, suck it up you think, but would you tell someone in a wheelchair they can't go to college because you don't believe in ramps? I don't have help to manage my day to day life, I have to fight for my physical health every day and I have to argue with doctors regularly. On top of all this, the DWP don't deem me disabled enough to get financial support in the form of PIP and without this payment, you are not eligible for any other disability support such as a travel pass. Should I keep following up even though I know I only have so much energy and mental capacity to cope? Or should I give up, knowing once again I failed and that I was failed by the education system in Scotland.


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